Tuesday, February 15, 2011


v. to oppose; to resist

In my life, there are a lot of things that happen that I don't necessarily enjoy, or even want to happen. There are a lot of things that I can't control, a lot of phenomena that I have to live with.

It's a pretty rough time, and only one other person will get this. So, let's just say that we have two subjects, a refrigerator and a magnet. The magnet has an attraction to the refrigerator, and the magnet can't do anything about it until a human hand pulls it off the refrigerator. The refrigerator can't suddenly stop being made of metal and just drop the magnet. The refrigerator will never understand how the magnet is just so hung up on the fridge. Then, again, the magnet doesn't realize it either. But, the magnet is just one of many others stuck on the magnetic door of the fridge, and other special magnets just take up better places than this magnet. Would it be possible for this little magnet to obstrigillate a magnetic force, and just drop to the floor?


  1. Would you mind if I comment here? :D I just read this now and I was like wow :) after reading this entry, you inspired me to write! :)) -Arlene

  2. Of course you can comment.. =)) I'd like that you comment. =)) that's why comment boxes are there, for comments. =))
